I went to sleep knowing 18 families won’t sleep tonight
I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach
thinking about those sweet elementary school children
thinking about the safe space that a school should be
thinking about the joy school brought me as a child
the joy it brought me as a mom
every time I walked into a school to be room mom
or secret reader
I smiled
because there’s something so special
about a school full of children
something so special about the adults who have
committed their lives to teaching others
to bringing smiles to faces
to making learning fun
I think about laughter in the hallways
pushing and shoving and giggling
in the lunch line
finger painting
alphabet reciting
song singing
those tiny voices shrill with glee
playground playing
running, sweating, tagging
times tables
science projects
story time
quiet reading
all shattered by
the sound of gunfire
the screams
the devastation
for no reason
no reason at all
a place that should be a respite
from the evil of the world
a magnet for it
why must our children pay the price
for the politics
the votes
the power